
Preparing for Your Colonoscopy with UVA Health

PLENVU Bowel Preparation Instructions

Thank you for choosing us to provide your care. Please follow the following guidelines and preparation instructions to help make for a successful experience.

IMPORTANT: Some medications, such as diabetes medication and blood thinners, could cause complications during your upcoming procedure. If you take any of the following medications, contact the doctor who prescribes them to you two weeks before your procedure date and ask if you need to temporarily stop taking these medications.

  • Weight-loss or diabetes medication, including Mounjaro, Ozempic, Saxenda, Victoza, Wegovy
  • Blood thinning medication, including Aggrenox, Coumadin, Eliquis, Lovenox, Persantine, Plavix, Pletal, Pradaxa, Ticlid, Warfarin, Xarelto,

If you take any of these medications, we also recommend that you follow a clear liquid diet for 1 day before this or any endoscopic procedure during which you will be sedated, or “go to sleep,” during the procedure. While following a clear liquid diet, you can drink water, broths, and other sugar-free clear liquids. This will help empty your stomach, which is necessary for these procedures.


If you take a daily Aspirin, continue taking your Aspirin.

  • You MUST have a driver on the day of your procedure: As you will receive anesthesia medications on the day of your procedure, you must have a responsible adult 18 years or older who can drive you home. For your safety, UVA Health recommends that this person stay with you for several hours after your procedure. You may not drive for 24 hours after your procedure.
  • Visitors: Please find the most up to date visitor information on the UVAHealth website, or call us to ask if visitors are allowed at the time of your procedure (434) 243-3090.
  • Medication and allergy information: Please bring a complete list of your current medications, their doses, and any allergies you may have.
  • Pacemaker or Internal Defibrillator: Please bring your device information card with you.
  • Personal belongings: Please leave all jewelry and other valuables at home. Please do not wear contacts the day of your procedure. If you wear glasses, hearing aids, or dentures, please bring a case with you to store these items during your procedure.
  • Please note that UVA performs colonoscopies at two locations. Please confirm your location by referring to your appointment reminder letter.

We strive to provide the safest care for all of our patients. As a result, some procedures may take longer for some patients than others. Please arrive 45 minutes prior to your appointment time. We ask for your patience and that you plan to be with us at least 2 to 3 hours.

If you must cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call the UVA Endoscopy scheduling team as soon as possible at (434) 243-3090.


At least two weeks before your colonoscopy:

  • Call your pharmacy two weeks prior to your procedure. Tell them you are ready for them to fill your prescription for the colonoscopy bowel prep kit.
  • If you are on medications (other than aspirin) that thin your blood or if you take medications for diabetes (including GLP-1 agonists prescribed for weight loss), you will need to let your doctor that prescribes these medications know you are planning to have a colonoscopy and ask for instructions regarding this medication.
  • Please note that UVA performs colonoscopies at two locations. Please confirm your location by referring to your appointment reminder letter.


Five days before your colonoscopy:

  • Start a low fiber diet (see low fiber diet examples below).
  • Stop iron, including medications or vitamins that contain iron.
  • Arrange to have someone 18 or older drive you to and from your procedure.
  • Have plenty of clear liquids available at home (see clear liquid examples below).


One day before your colonoscopy:

  • Drink only clear liquids all day (see clear liquid exaples below). Do not eat solid foods or milk products. Drink 8 ounces (oz.) of clear liquid every hour while awake. 8 oz. is equal to one measuring cup.
  • At 5:00 pm begin taking Dose 1 of your prep solution.
    • Add Dose 1 (1 pouch) into the mixing container that comes with your PLENVU
    • Add water to the fill line. You will need to add least 16 ounces
    • Mix with spoon or shake with lid until PLENVU has completely dissolved
  • Drink the mixed solution within 30 minutes
  • Once you’ve finished the solution, rinse the container and fill again with water to the fill line (16 oz.). Finish drinking the water within 30 minutes.
  • Continue drinking clear liquids for the rest of the evening. This will help the medicine to clean your bowels. The more clear liquids you drink, the better the medicine works.
  • Stay close to a bathroom. Cleaning your colon causes diarrhea.


Day of your colonoscopy:

  • Take your daily medications up to 2 hours before your procedure unless instructed otherwise by your healthcare provider. 
  • 5 hours before you leave home begin taking Dose 2 of your prep solution. You may need to start in the middle of the night for an early morning procedure. Timing is essential.
    • Add Dose 2 (pouch A and pouch B) into the mixing container that comes with your PLENVU
    • Add water to the fill line. You will need to add least 16 ounces
    • Mix with spoon or shake with lid until PLENVU has completely dissolved
  • Drink the mixed solution within 30 minutes
  • Once you’ve finished the solution, rinse the container and fill again with water to the fill line (16 oz.). Finish drinking the water within 30 minutes.   
  • 2 hours before your scheduled procedure time stop drinking any liquids.
  • Complete all steps on page 1 and bring requested items to your procedure.
  • Arrive 45 minutes before your scheduled appointment time with a responsible adult who will be able to accompany you home.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to get cleaned inside? Your doctor must be able to see in order to complete the colonoscopy exam. If your colon has too much stool on the inside, your doctor may not be able to see important things like polyps or cancer.

Is my prep working? The bowel movement coming out should look like fluids you are drinking – yellow, light, liquid, and clear (like urine) without many particles.

What are the effects of the “bowel prep?” You will have a lot of diarrhea from the bowel prep. This will start anywhere from a few minutes to 3 hours after you start your prep. Many people have bloating, abdominal discomfort, and/or nausea. This is uncomfortable and almost always safe. Some people do not like the taste or smell of the medicine. Please do not let these get in the way of you finishing the medicine as directed.

Rarely, some people throw up while taking the prep. If you throw up, stop taking the prep for 30-60 minutes, then try taking the prep again. If you are unable to finish the bowel prep, your colon may not be clean enough for your exam.

My prep hasn't started working yet - what do I do? Different people respond differently to the bowel prep. If you have waited more than 3 hours without a response, then it may not be working well. Be sure you are drinking enough fluid. If that doesn’t work, drink the second part of your prep and continue to drink fluids. It should work eventually. Call the UVA Endoscopy Unit at (434)243-3090 on the morning of your procedure if the medicine is still not working. 


Clear Liquid Diet

Change to this diet ONE DAY before your Colonoscopy. You will return to your regular diet after the procedure.


Clear Liquids OK to Drink

Do NOT Drink

  • Water (plain, carbonated or flavored)
  • Fruit juices without pulp, such as apple or white grape juice
  • Carbonated drinks, including dark sodas (cola and root beer)
  • Tea or coffee without milk or cream
  • Sports drinks (not red or purple)
  • Milk
  • Artificial creamers
  • Fruit or vegetable smoothies
  • Gelatin (Jell-O)
  • Alcohol
  • Anything red or purple. These liquids can look like blood in the colon.
  • Broth


Low Residue / Low Fiber Diet

 Start this diet FIVE DAYS before your Colonoscopy. You will return to your regular diet after the procedure.


Foods to Eat

Foods to Avoid


Refined breads, toast, rolls, biscuits, muffins, crackers, pancakes, and waffles.

Enriched white or light rye bread or rolls

Saltines, Melba toast

Refined ready-to-eat cereals such as puffed rice and puffed wheat

Cooked refined wheat, corn, or rice cereal

Strained oatmeal, grits and farina

Refined cold cereals made from rice, corn or oats (Rice Krispies, Cornflakes, Cheerios)

White rice, refined pasta, macaroni, noodles



Most tender cooked and canned vegetables without seeds such as carrots, asparagus tips, beets, green or waxed beans, pumpkin, spinach, squash (acorn) without seeds, potato (no skin), pureed or cooked strained lima beans, and peas (no skin)



Most canned or cooked fruits, fruit cocktail, avocado, canned applesauce, apricots, peaches, pears (all without skin and seeds), pureed plums and ripe bananas

Strained fruit juice



Milk, mild cheese, cottage cheese

Yogurt (no berries)

Ice Cream (no fruit or nuts)

*limit milk/milk products to 2 cups per day



Ground or well-cooked, tender beef, lamb, ham, veal, pork, fish, shellfish, poultry (no skin), and organ meats, eggs

Smooth peanut butter






Margarine, butter, vegetable oils, mayo, cream substitutes, Crisp bacon

Plain gravies, and salad dressings


Broth, strained cream soups (no corn) made with allowed ingredients






Salt, soy sauce, ketchup

Mild spices in moderation,

white sauce

Sugar, honey, jelly, syrup

Lemon juice, vinegar, vanilla and other flavoring extracts

Coffee, tea, carbonated beverages and fruit drink

(without pulp)


Any bread product made with whole-grain flour or graham flour, bran, seeds, nuts, coconut, or raw or dried fruit, cornbread, and graham crackers

Any whole-grain, bran, or granola cereal, oatmeal and cereal with seeds, nuts, coconut or dried fruit Bran, barley, brown and wild rice







Raw vegetables and vegetables with seeds, sauerkraut, winter squash, and peas





Raw or dried fruit, all berries

Prune juice




Yogurt containing fruit skins or seeds






Tough fibrous meats with gristle, shellfish with tough connective tissue

Meats prepared with whole-grain ingredients, seeds, or nuts

Dry beans, legumes, peas and lentils Chunky peanut butter

Raw clams and oysters



Any made with whole-grain flour, bran, nuts, seeds, coconut, or dried fruit

Nuts, and popcorn

Raisins, seeds, seed spices, pickles, olives

Spicy mustards, and relish

Highly spiced salad dressings

Jam or marmalade with nuts and seeds



Beverages and gelatins that are red or purple in color up to 24hrs. prior to procedure